Rachel Rodman

Other Publications

The Battle Verses of Prufrock J. Alfred. Strange Horizons, 9/30 (2024).

Warnings. The Kafka Protocol & The Burden of Compliance, ed. Jessica Augustsson, p. 311-314, JayHenge Publishing (2024).

Everyone. The Kafka Protocol & The Burden of Compliance, ed. Jessica Augustsson, p. 131-133, JayHenge Publishing (2024).

The Past is a Foreign Country. Strange Horizons, 7/1 (2024).

Columbus with Dementia. Dreams and Nightmares, 127 (2024).

"Sherman Did."  Third Wednesday, Summer 2024.

Allerednic.  Brilliant Flash Fiction, March 2024.

The Yellow Brick Roooooaaaad…  Roses and Wildflowers, 1: Into the Wild (2024).

Wrong Person. Dreams and Nightmares, 126 (2024).

The Horse Who Gave Birth to the First Car. Star*Line, 47.1 (2024).

Still Life. The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts (2023).

Hybrid Bible. Exist Otherwise, 8, November 2023.

Theories of Oz. The Cafe Irreal, 88 (2023).

A Reprint: The Evolutionary Alice. The Lorelei Signal, Jul-Sept 2023.
     ("The Evolutionary Alice" originally appeared in the Jan/Feb 2020 issue of Analog.)

The Comma: With Her, Bear is Savage. Kaleidotrope, Summer 2023.

Hi. Writers Resist, June 2023.

Strip Poker. L'Esprit Literary Review, 2 (2023).

It Really Is All About You. Kaleidotrope, Winter 2023.

The Time-Traveling Healer. NewMyths, 60 (2022).

Harem. "Interspecies Crisis," Space Squid (2022).

A Brief Accounting of All the Times I Thought I Was Pregnant (But Later Turned Out Not to Be).
Electric Spec 17(3), 2022.

Seventh Date. Dream of Shadows 4 (2022).

Do I? Etherea Magazine 11, June 2022.

So Be Good. Myths Subverted: An Anthology of Mythical Short Stories (2022).

4 and 20 Dead Cats. Chrome Baby, Bairn #108 (2022).
      (Nominated for a "Best of the Net" Award)

Men I Have Given a Fish. Brilliant Flash Fiction, January 2022.

Happy Endings. The Rail, 1/21 (2022).

Click Me. Archive of the Odd, 1 (2022).

Cures for Hiccups. Daily Science Fiction, 1/7 (2022).

In My Calendar. The Weird and Whatnot, 8/14 (2021).

Just One. The Colored Lens, 40, Summer 2021.

Snow White and the Seven Biblical Floods. "Locus Delicti," Sein und Werden (2021).

Time Flies Even When You're Not Having Fun. Frozen Wavelets, 6 (2021).

Our Song. Curiouser Magazine, 1 (2021).

For the War Effort. Daily Science Fiction, 1/11 (2021).

Two Stories ("I Luncheth with Mine Enemies" and "We Seem to be on the Same Wavelength about the Fact that Each of Us is Operating on an Entirely Different Wavelength"). Page & Spine, 12/18 (2020).

Two Pieces ("Pedigree" and "Are You?"). City. River. Tree, 39 and 40 (2020).

Six Very Short Stories ("When Nietzsche Met Quantum Physics Met Galileo," "Grandchild," "In Enthusiastic Answer to a Question that No One Was Asking," "Perhaps I cannot hold a candle to you. But I can set you on fire," "Roaches. And Hedgehogs," and "...Just Start Salivating"). The Cafe Irreal, 75 (2020).

Schrödinger’s Fever. Why Vandalism? (2020).

Six Nights, Six Monsters. Daily Science Fiction, 7/9 (2020).

The Agnostic Gospels: Variations on a Theme. "Le Retour," Sein und Werden: (2020).

Three Pieces ("That's Why" (with Ellen Saunders), "Everyone," and "Red Christmas"). New Reader Magazine, 3 (10): 64-5 (2020).

Different Boxes. Mithila Review, 14 (2020).

The Velveteen Kitten. Dreams and Nightmares, 115 (2020).

Two Poems ("What It's All About" and "Darkness"). Illumen, Winter 2020.

The Evolutionary Alice. Analog, January/February 2020.

Frosty: A Man for All Seasons. Eastern Iowa Review, December Fiction (2019).

Russian Doll. The Weird and Whatnot, 11/16 (2019).

Rock, Paper, Scissors. Trembling with Fear, 9/1 (2019).

LUCA the Pooh. Free Lit Magazine: The Humanity Issue, 5 (4) (2019).

The Anatomy of a Dream. E·ratio, 28 (2019).

The Complete Plays of Shakespeare, Condensed. Fleas on the Dog, 3 (2019).

The Withholding. The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts (2019).

Good, Better, Best. Zooscape, 3 (2019).

Our Entire Relationship is Ironic. Manqué (2019).

The Greatest. Dreams and Nightmares, 112 (2019).

The Wizard of Zo. Asymmetry (2019).

Holy Moly (A Recipe). Bending Genres, 8 (2019).

Once Upon an Armageddon. Kaleidotrope, Spring 2019.

The Quantum Womb. Daily Science Fiction, 1/3 (2019).

A Dream of Rome. The Ultra-Short: Fourteenth Annual Competition. (The Primavera Press, 2018.)
     (Honorable Mention)

So-to-Speak, So-to-Eat: 11 Recipes. ZiN Daily (2018).

How to Build a Pig-Duck: The Do-It-Yourselfer’s Guide to Hybrids, Chimeras, and Synthetic Biology. Mad Scientist Journal, Autumn 2018.

Three Recipes ("Wakey, Wakey," "Modern Art Pasta," and "By Bread Alone"). New Reader Magazine, 1 (3): 150-1 (2018).

Comestibly Ever After. Bewildering Stories, 778 (2018).
     (Also appears in Bewildering Stories' Third Quarterly Review, 2018.)

A Recipe for Sunscreen. Gathering Storm Magazine, 9 (2018).

A Son. Apparition Literary Magazine (2018).
         (Winner, August 2018 Flash Fiction Contest. Theme: Parasites.)

Phylogenetic Arts and Crafts. Awkward Botany (2018).

Phylogenetic Finger Puppets. Mad Art Lab (2018).

Drinking Games. CafeLit (2018).

Dorothy IIZetetic: A Record of Unusual Inquiry (2018).

Devouring the Classics: 10 Recipes. Galileo's Theme Park (Third Flatiron, 2018).

Two Recipes ("Fruit Punch" and "Mock Turtle Soup"). The Los Angeles Review of Los Angeles, 13 (2018).

The Cat That Wasn't. A copying error changes the meaning of Hamlet. Shakespeare Geek (2018).

Alternative Histories. Expanded Horizons (2018).

Happy Birthday, Darwin! And Please Enjoy a Slice of Phylogenetic Fruit Cake.
Nothing in Biology (2018).

Charles Darwin and the Phylogeny of State Flowers and State Trees. Awkward Botany (2018).

Darwin Turns 209 Next Week. And Here’s the Perfect Playlist to Help Us All Celebrate.
Nothing in Biology (2018).

The Gingerbread Pox. Fireside Fiction (2017).

"From the Gonads of Giants": Breeding Notes, Aimed at an Alternative History of Inheritance. LabLit, 930 (2017).

Seven Choices. The Future Fire, 40 (2017).

A (Condensed) Dictionary of Mythological Characters. The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts (2017).

Four Christmas Miracles. Grievous Angel, Seasonal Fiction (2016).

Dorothy. Daily Science Fiction, 5/30 (2016).

His Name-O. On the Premises, 27 (2016).
     (Third Place, Spring 2016 Contest. Premise: Changes.)

10 Strange Hybrids that Were Never Born. Listverse (2016).

10 Human Diseases that We've Given to Mice. Listverse (2016).

10 Disturbing Stories of Interspecies Sex. Listverse (2016).

10 Experiments that Mashed Cats and Mice Together. Listverse (2015).

10 Hard-Core Hybrids Formed by Sex Among Three Species
. Listverse (2015).

10 Weird Experiments Using Animal Sperm
. Listverse (2015).

A Map of the Sky. "Mappa Mundi," Sein und Werden: (2015).

10 Weird Experiments Using Animal Embryos. Listverse (2015).

"To Travel Forth So Far": Shakespeare Exported to New Stages. LabLit, 864 (2015).

A Partridge in a Pear Tree. "The Restless Consumer," Sein und Werden (2015).

Now We Are Ten. "Now We Are 10," Sein und Werden (2014).

The Third Wife of Jonah. Gone Lawn, 16 (2014).

Jack and Henry: A Shakespearean Chimera. "Theatrum Diabolorum," Sein und Werden (2014).

ATTENTION TAPEWORMS! You are pigs. Nothing but statuesque pigs. You think you're Tibetan, but you're not.  "Randomly-Generated Surrealism," Sein und Werden (2014).
      (Nominated for a Pushcart Prize)

The Art of Surgery: Experiments in Parabiosis, using 2-Dimensional Animals. LabLit, 820 (2014).

The Discovery of Threonine. "Oulipo," Sein und Werden (2014).

The Phylonauts. "Auto de Fe," Sein und Werden (2013).

Surrealism and the Organism: Notes on Benjamin Péret's Natural History. LabLit, 795 (2013).

Philanderer. "Not Quite Human," Sein und Werden (2013).
     (Nominated for a Pushcart Prize)

From Many Pieces. "Exquisite Corpse," Sein und Werden (2013).

Biology through Shakespeare. Outline and Lecture Abstracts for a Cross-Disciplinary Course (2012).

Unnatural Diets: Composing Fiction in Synthetic Media. LabLit, 713 (2012).

Experimental Breeds: Bears, Clothed in Rumpled Hoods, Pipe “Rapunzel” to the Sleeping Pigs. PANK, 6.17 (2011).

STRC and CATSPER2. The Human Genre Project, 15 (2011).

Rb1. The Human Genre Project, 13 (2011).

Alcohol Dehydrogenase. The Human Genre Project, 4 (2011).

Text as Genome: The New Literary Geneticists. LabLit, 679 (2011).

Using Near-Isogenic Lines to Dissect the Flowering Behavior of a Natural Accession of  Arabidopsis thaliana. PhD Thesis, Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2009).