Rachel Rodman


Frosty: A Man for All Seasons. Eastern Iowa Review, December Fiction (2019).

Russian Doll. The Weird and Whatnot: November 16 (2019).

Rock, Paper, Scissors. Trembling with Fear, 9/1 (2019).

The Anatomy of a Dream. E·ratio, 28 (2019).

The Complete Plays of Shakespeare, Condensed. Fleas on the Dog, 3 (2019).

The Withholding. The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts (2019).

Good, Better, Best. Zooscape, 3 (2019).

Our Entire Relationship is Ironic. Manqué (2019).

The Greatest. Dreams and Nightmares, 112 (2019).

The Wizard of Zo. Asymmetry (2019).

Holy Moly (A Recipe). Bending Genres, 8 (2019).

Once Upon an Armageddon. Kaleidotrope, Spring Issue (2019).

The Quantum Womb. Daily Science Fiction, 1/3 (2019).

A Dream of Rome. The Ultra-Short: Fourteenth Annual Competition. (The Primavera Press, 2018.)
     (Honorable Mention)

So-to-Speak, So-to-Eat: 11 Recipes. ZiN Daily (2018).

Three Recipes ("Wakey, Wakey," "Modern Art Pasta," and "By Bread Alone"). New Reader Magazine, 1 (3): 150-1 (2018).

Comestibly Ever After. Bewildering Stories, 778 (2018).
     (Also appears in Bewildering Stories' Third Quarterly Review, 2018.)

A Recipe for Sunscreen. Gathering Storm Magazine, 9 (2018).

A Son. Apparition Literary Magazine (2018).
         (Winner, August 2018 Flash Fiction Contest. Theme: Parasites.)

Drinking Games. CafeLit (2018).

Dorothy IIZetetic: A Record of Unusual Inquiry (2018).

Devouring the Classics: 10 Recipes. Galileo's Theme Park (Third Flatiron, 2018).

Two Recipes ("Fruit Punch" and "Mock Turtle Soup"). The Los Angeles Revies of Los Angeles, 13 (2018).

Alternative Histories. Expanded Horizons (2018).

The Gingerbread Pox. Fireside Fiction (2017).

Seven Choices. The Future Fire, 40 (2017).

A (Condensed) Dictionary of Mythological Characters. The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts (2017).

Four Christmas Miracles. Grievous Angel, Seasonal Fiction (2016).

Dorothy. Daily Science Fiction, 5/30 (2016).

His Name-O. On the Premises, 27 (2016).
     (Third Place, Spring 2016 Contest. Premise: Changes.)

A Map of the Sky. Sein und Werden: Mappa Mundi (2015).

A Partridge in a Pear Tree. Sein und Werden: The Restless Consumer (2015).

Now We Are Ten. Sein und Werden: Now We Are 10 (2014).

The Third Wife of Jonah. Gone Lawn, 16 (2014).

Jack and Henry: A Shakespearean Chimera. Sein und Werden: Theatrum Diabolorum (2014).

ATTENTION TAPEWORMS! You are pigs. Nothing but statuesque pigs. You think
you're Tibetan, but you're not. Sein und Werden: Randomly-Generated Surrealism (2014).
      (Nominated for a Pushcart Prize)

The Discovery of Threonine. Sein und Werden: Oulipo (2014).

The Phylonauts. Sein und Werden: Auto de Fe (2013).

Philanderer. Sein und Werden: Not Quite Human (2013).
     (Nominated for a Pushcart Prize)

From Many Pieces. Sein und Werden: Exquisite Corpse (2013).

Experimental Breeds: Bears, Clothed in Rumpled Hoods, Pipe “Rapunzel” to the
Sleeping Pigs. PANK, 6.17 (2011).